Health and Social Care Delivery Plan: National Programme Board minutes, March 2019

Minutes of the thirteenth meeting of the National Programme Board for the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, held on 1 March 2019.

Welcome and apologies

1. Shirley Rogers welcomed Members to the thirteenth meeting of the Programme Board.  Attendees introduced themselves.   

2. The Chair updated the group on Andrew Scott’s move from Director of Population Health to lead preparations for EU exit.  Richard Foggo has been appointed interim Director and was attending the

3. A full list of attendees and apologies are at Annex A.   

Matters arising  

4. The minutes of 12 November 2018 were agreed without amendment. 

5. All the remaining actions from the Actions Log were either covered by the agenda, or will be brought forward to future meetings.   

Progress report  

6. Justine Westwood introduced paper NPB/2019/01-03/01 providing the Board with a progress update on the key programmes within the Delivery Plan.  In consideration of the progress report, the board agreed to consider the following in more detail at future meetings: 

  • The Cancer Programme;
  • Establishing the new Public Health body;
  • Digital Health and Care Strategy;
  • Capital Investment Strategy;
  • Waiting Times Improvement Plan;
  • Unscheduled Care Programme;
  • Workforce Planning; and
  • Future Vision work.  

7. The board was provided with an update on Delivery Plan refresh and development of programme reporting to support this, and agreed to consider this in more detail at a future meeting.  

 8. The Board: 

  • noted the progress of the underlying programmes and the update on the risks and issues; and
  • agreed the revised milestone dates and follow-up requirements.   

Action 78:  secretariat to arrange agenda slots at future meetings for each of the programmes listed at para 6. 

Action 79:  Secretariat to arrange a detailed consideration of the Delivery Plan refresh and refined programme reporting at a future meeting.                                                                   

 National Elective Centres Update 

9. Margaret Sherwood introduced paper NPB/2019/01-03/02 setting out the background to the programme, current timescales and risks. Margaret and Justine Westwood agreed to discuss which risks from the Elective Centre Programme should be escalated to the National Programme Board risk register. The Board agreed to consider progress on the National Elective Centre programme at future meetings. 

Action 80:  Margaret Sherwood and Justine Westwood to meet to discuss programme risks and escalation to the National Programme Board risk register.   

Action 81:  Secretariat to arrange updates on the National Elective Centres Programme at future meetings.   

Mental Health Programme

10. Donna Bell introduced paper NPB/2019/01-03/05 providing an overview of the strategic approach to the Mental Health programme, including:   

  • Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027;
  • Programme for Government;  
  • Child and Young People’s Mental Health Taskforce;
  • Suicide Prevention Action Plan;
  • Mental Health Legislation Review on Learning Disability and Autism; and
  • Ministerial led governance structure.   

11. Hugh McAloon provided an update on children and young people and Teresa Medhurst for adult mental health services.  The Board noted: 

  • the exemplar partnership approach for Mental Health;
  • confirmation that the programme is connected to criminal justice system work;
  • workforce, including public service employees,  needs to be factored into policies; and
  • the close working between integration and mental health on Adults with Incapacity.  

Action 82: Secretariat to arrange for an update on the Mental Health programme at future meetings.   

Educational Capacity in Primary Care 

12. Caroline Lamb introduced paper NPB/2019/01-03/03 providing an update on the steps being taken to address education capacity in Primary Care.  NHS Education has set up a short-life working group to review current training capacity in primary care, identify the training needs of the various learners in primary care and develop an action plan using more innovative methods of delivery to increase teaching capacity. The focus will initially be on postgraduate education and training, however they will also look at undergraduate joint training in due course. 

13. In discussion, the Board noted: 

  • Scottish Government and the Board for Academic Medicine have commissioned a short life working group, chaired by Prof. John Gillies, to develop recommendations on how to increase undergraduate education in primary care;
  • the NES led working group is considering all GP disciplines, including mental health, and will make proposals on sustainable funding models going forward;
  • the Board agreed to consider programme updates at future meetings.  

Action  83:  Secretariat to arrange for an update on the NES educational capacity programme at future meetings.   

Health and Social Care Integration Review

14. Alison Taylor introduced paper NPB/2019/01-03/04 on the findings of the Health and Social Care Integration Review.   The review of progress by Integration Authorities, led by Paul Gray and Sally Loudon, CE COSLA, followed a commitment in May 2018 to Parliament. The final report of the review was published on 4 February 2019.  In discussion the Board noted: 

  • the proposals contain challenging timescales; 
  • Chief Officers support the proposals and are focusing on implementation; and
  • Alison Taylor offered to invite COSLA officials to discuss staff governance arrangements with Lilian Macer. 

15. Overall progress towards the delivery plan objective of unscheduled occupied bed days is slowing.  The Board agreed Justine Westwood to meet with Richard Foggo and Alison Taylor to discuss what actions should be included in the refreshed Delivery Plan to reflect and support progress in local systems.   

Action 84:  Alison Taylor to invite COSLA to meet with Lilian Macer to discuss staff governance arrangements. 

Action 85:  Justine Westwood to meet with Richard Foggo and Alison Taylor to discuss the Delivery Plan refresh. 

Implementation Leads’ Update

16. Each of the Implementation Leads, or their representative, provided an update on progress to date and next steps, including priorities such as the National Waiting Times Improvement Plan, integration and mental health.  The board agreed:

  •  the need for recognised reporting from the Leads, including timing and outputs;
  • Justine Westwood to work with Leads to agree a regular highlight report for the National Programme Board. 

Action 86:  Secretariat to circulate Andrew Cash presentation for Board’s information. 

Action 87:  Justine Westwood to work with Implementation leads to provide programme based reports, including timings and outputs, at future meetings. 

AOB and Next Meeting

  1.  The next meeting is arranged for 29 April 2019, 13.00 – 15.30 4.ER SAH.   


11 March 2019


Attendees and apologies

  • Shirley Rogers, Chair and Director of Health Workforce, Leadership and Service Transformation
  • Richard Foggo, Representing Director of Population Health
  • Caroline Lamb, National Implementation Lead
  • Alison Taylor, Head of Health and Social Care Integration
  • Donna Bell, Director of Mental Health
  • Suzanne Ferguson, Representing David Williams, Chair of the Chief Officers’ Group
  • Sharon Adamson, Representing Regional Implementation Lead for the West
  • Amanda Croft Representing Regional Implementation Lead for the North
  • Norman Provan, Staff Representation
  • Lilian Macer, Staff Representation
  • Jan McClean, Representing Regional Implementation Lead for the East
  • David Garbutt Chair,  NHS National Education for Scotland
  • Rachel Jenkinson, Head of Service Reform Division
  • Anne Aitken, Head of Directorate Support and Delivery 
  • Justine Westwood, Head of Service Reform Team 
  • Margaret Sherwood, National Elective Centre Programme
  • Hugh McAloon, Mental Health
  • Teresa Medhurst, Mental Health
  • Robert Spratt  Secretariat, Service Reform Mental Health


  • Andrew Kerr, Health and Social Care Lead for SOLACE
  • Angiolina Foster, National Implementation Lead
  • Christine McLaughlin, Director of Health Finance
  • Tim Davison, Implementation Lead for the East
  • John Burns, Implementation Lead for the West
  • Theresa Fyfe , Staff Representation
  • Elizabeth Ireland, Chair NHS National Services Scotland
  • David Williams , Chief Officers
  • Jane O’Donnell /  John Wood CoSLA
  • John Burns, Regional Implementation Lead for the West
  • Jason Leitch, Director for Health Care Quality and Improvement



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