Getting Our Priorities right - Consultation Analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to the Scottish Government’s

Consultation on the refreshed “Getting Our Priorities Right” (GOPR) guidance for

practitioners working with children and families affected by substance misuse.


List of Respondents

The following organisations responded to the consultation:

Public organisations

Aberdeen City Child Protection Sub Committee
Angus ADP and CPC
Angus Council
Argyll and Bute Council
Association of Scottish Principal Educational Psychologists (ASPEP)
Borders ADP and CPC
Chalmers Sexual Health Centre
Dundee Integrated Children's Services, ADP, Violence Against Women Partnership and Child Care & Protection Committee
East & Midlothian CPC
East Ayrshire Child Protection Committee
East Dunbartonshire ADP
East Renfrewshire CPC and ADP
Education Scotland
Fife Adult Protection Partnership; Fife Alcohol and Drug Partnership; Fife Child Protection Committee
Glasgow City CPC
Highland ADP and CPC
Information Commissioner's Office
Inverclyde CPC and ADP
Lanarkshire ADP
Moray ADP
Moray Child Protection Sub Committee
NHS Addiction Services - Ayrshire and Arran
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Forth Valley (x2)
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
NHS Health Scotland
NHS Lothian
North Ayrshire ADP and CPC
North Lanarkshire Council - Children's Services Partnership
Perth and Kinross CPC
Renfrewshire ADP and CPC
Renfrewshire CHP
Scottish Lead Clinicians for Sexual Health Group
Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
Sexual Health Dumfries and Galloway
Shetland ADP and CPC
South Ayrshire CPC and ADP
Stirling and Clackmannanshire CPC
Stirling Council
Strathclyde Police
Tayside Police
West Lothian CPC

Voluntary and other organisations

Alcohol Focus Scotland
Barnardo's Scotland
Children 1st Aberdeenshire Supporting Children and Families
Children in Scotland
Families Outside
FASD Scotland
Kibble Education and Care Centre
NSPCC Scotland
Robert Gordon University
Rose Garden Medical Centre
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Scottish Drugs Forum
Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance
Scottish Out of School Care Network
The Salvation Army

Individual responses

Nine respondents indicated on the Respondent Information Form that they were responding as an individual rather than an organisation. However, all indicated that they were part of an organisation, and they have been classified as responding from either a public, voluntary or other organisation for the purposes of quantitative analysis.


Email: Graeme Hunter

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