Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: headteacher survey 2018

Headteachers’ experience of the fund, covering themes such as governance, planning and evaluation, impact and sustainability.

5. Use of data and evaluation

5.1. This section summarises survey findings on schools' use of data and evaluation in relation to ASF supported interventions and approaches. In this context the survey asked about the extent to which headteachers feel confident using data in this way, the extent to which receipt of ASF support has impacted on their skills, and approaches to evaluating impact.

5.2. The great majority of headteachers feel confident using data and evidence to inform development of their interventions; around 9 in 10 indicate this (91%) and only 2% disagree. Similarly, a large majority (90%) indicate they always use evidence to measure the impact of interventions. It is notable that Schools Programme respondents are more positive than others across both measures.

Using data to develop interventions and measure impact

Using data to develop interventions and measure impact

5.3. Most respondents feel that their skills and knowledge in using data for planning, evaluation and improvement has significantly improved through the Fund. Around 3 in 5 (60%) respondents indicate this, and only 1 in 10 disagree. As is noted above in relation to headteachers' confidence in using evidence, Schools Programme respondents are typically more positive than others on the extent to which their skills and knowledge have improved.

Impact of Fund on ability to use data for planning, evaluation and improvement

Impact of Fund on ability to use data for planning, evaluation and improvement

5.4. A great majority of schools (92%) have an evaluation plan in place to measure the impact of ASF-supported interventions and approaches. This finding is consistent across key respondent groups.

5.5. For schools in receipt of PEF and Challenge Authority or Schools Programme funding, most have a single evaluation plan to measure progress irrespective of funding stream. More than 2 in 3 (69%) indicate this, with around 1 in 4 (24%) using separate evaluation plans for each funding stream. This finding is also consistent across key respondent groups.



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