Enterprise and Skills Review report on Phase 2: Regional Partnerships

Report illustrating the outcomes and progress achieved by the Regional Partnerships project as part of the Enterprise and Skills Review.


1. The Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies ( CURDS) as noted in evidence to the UK Parliament in 2005-06; David Skilling report to the Enterprise and Skills Review 2016; Policy Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's city deal inquiry 2017.

2. "Fiscal devolution and Scotland's cities: 'double devolution' and optimising urban investment" Fraser of Allander, December 2016, https://pure.strath.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/fiscal-devolution-and-scotlands-cities(faacd115-c6c5-4807-a49e-755126f4ff8c).html

3. Enterprise and Skills Review, Phase 2 Project Report. South of Scotland Vehicle

4. Key Regional Partners, Annex D

5. Refreshed in March 2016 http://www.gov.scot/publications/scotlands-agenda-cities/

6. Policy Scotland's response to the Scottish Parliament's city deal inquiry 2017.

7. The framework is built upon an evidence-based assessment of the economic needs of a defined economic geography. This assesses and prioritises actions to drive economic growth by examining constraints and opportunities of sectors, businesses, communities, places and individuals (stages 1-2). This enables a vision for economic growth and outcomes to be defined, recognising the specific ambitions and requirements of that economic area, be it local, regional or national (stage 3). The framework seeks to prioritise actions for inclusive growth (stage 4) by combining deliverability criteria against economic impact (where economic impact is measured through criteria of productivity/growth, inclusion and sustainability). This approach is then used to stimulate thinking and discussion around effective alignment between national, regional and local priorities and policies and to inform consideration of most appropriate delivery structures (stage 5). Setting up appropriate monitoring and evaluation of outcomes and ensuring sharing of robust data and intelligence is essential to assessing progress (stage 6).

8. This outcome focuses on the experiences and outcomes of those who are seeking work or are outside the labour market and overcoming barriers ( e.g. training and skills, transport, childcare, recruitment, and employment practices).

9. This outcome focuses on conditions when in employment: the types of jobs there are, and how employers treat employees. Also including progression and in-work training.

10. Annex A and B

11. Enterprise and Skills Review, Phase 2 report

12. Enterprise and Skills Review, Phase 2, project reports.

13. Enterprise and Skills review, Phase 2, Data and Evaluation.

14. http://www.glasgowcityregion.co.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=19520&p=0

15. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0051/00511808.pdf

16. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Business-Industry/Enterprise/Convention

17. Scotland has 19 higher education institutions of which 16 are universities and three are specialist higher education institutions.


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