Enterprise and Skills Review report on Phase 2: 15-24 Learner Journey

Report illustrating the outcomes and progress achieved by the 15-24 Learner Journey project as part of the Enterprise and Skills Review.

2. Purpose, Vision and Benefits


We want our learning and skills system to make the most effective contribution to productivity and inclusive growth and provide a post 15 learning experience which meets the needs and aspirations of all young people, equipping them with skills for learning, life and work.

With the learner at the centre, the Scottish Government's vision is for a learning and skills system which enables efficient and effective learning journeys through:

  • Informed decision making by the learner.
  • High quality learning opportunities.
  • Straightforward, seamless efficient connections between different parts of the system, including using existing qualifications and experiences to move more quickly through the system.
  • Equality of access to these opportunities, including suitable learner funding.


To develop policy proposals on improving the 15-24 Learner Journey, the Scottish Government is taking forward a review, building on the core values and approaches set out in Get It Right For Every Child ( GIRFEC), Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and Developing the Young Workforce. The aim is to enhance the learning and skills system and:

  • Put the learner at the centre - delivering the full range of opportunities learners need at the right level and the right quality.
  • Prioritise equity of access, so that non-traditional and part-time journeys are supported and joined up: It is important - not least to provide for the stepping stones for those that need them - that the journeys remain flexible to best support learner needs and preferences. We need also to give learners the time they need as part of a commitment to life-long learning and future up-skilling and re-skilling.
  • Ensure a straightforward and connected system designed for the learner and flexible for change - learners should easily be able to identify the best journey for them and avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and cost.


The 15-24 Learner Journey Review, whilst being integral to the broader aims of the Enterprise and Skills Review and closely connected to its other work-streams, will deliver a programme of activity extending well beyond the close of the of the Enterprise and Skills Review.

It is currently in Stage 1, in which we are gathering the evidence and engaging stakeholders including young people, reporting in autumn 2017. During Phase 2 of the E&S Review, the 15-24 Learner Journey Review programme governance has been put in place, there has been extensive engagement with stakeholders at national and regional level and there has been a focus on gathering the views of young people. Key areas of focus have been agreed with stakeholders, and the review is being taken forward through five projects:

  • Improving information, advice and application processes - This will include an options appraisal of a learner choices and applications service which brings together student support information and the careers, advice and information system on My World of Work with UCAS, Apprenticeship on line and a new college application process.
  • Improving understanding and connectivity of the careers service in colleges and universities - This will include a review of current careers advice and guidance services for learners in college and university.
  • Improving the ease and equity with which young people can apply to college - Recognising the work already being taken forward as part of the Commission for Widening Access, this will focus specifically on evaluating the benefits and costs/ of a common application process for colleges.
  • Improving the design, alignment and coherence of the 15-24 learning journey and the ease with which all young people move through their learning, regardless of where they are studying - This will include evaluating the opportunities and learner journey choices in and across schools, colleges and community / third sector based learning. Identify and consider any unnecessary duplication of learning. We will establish options for removing unnecessary repetition and maximising progression through levels of study in or between school, community, college, training and university.
  • Improving the system and removing unnecessary duplication - We will develop a system wide analysis of unit cost and rate of return across school, community, college, training (including employability programmes), and university. We will use this to inform options for the future balance and method of investment. We will consider the future strategic direction of the learning system in Scotland


  • Improved ease with which all young people can move through their learning, regardless of where they are studying.
  • Improved design, alignment and coherence of the 15-24 learning journey.
  • Improved ease and equity with which young people can apply to college.


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