Best Start Grant: Scottish Government response to the consultation

Our response to points raised in the consultation on draft regulations for the Best Start Grant (Early Years Assistance).

Communication and Advice

15. The need for clear guidance for both decision makers and applicants, and for effective promotion of the BSG at all stages to maximise uptake has been highlighted during consultation and at meetings with stakeholders. Widespread training and awareness raising of the BSG will also be required among partner agencies and advice and advocacy services to ensure that appropriate signposting is provided, and that applicants can access the necessary information and be suitably supported throughout the process. Ensuring that potential recipients clearly understand the application and appeals process is key.

16. Promotion of BSG will include marketing activity to launch the new benefit, which will be aligned with ongoing work with stakeholders to ensure that there is an awareness of the new entitlement. This communications and marketing activity will also be aligned with wider work within the Scottish Government to promote Scottish Government support available for low income families.

17. Social Security Scotland is actively engaging with the advice sector to understand the impacts of BSG and identify how we can work in partnership to support clients. We held an initial workshop on 21 August and will continue to develop the work moving forward. We will ensure advice services get the information they need to be able to advise clients effectively and we are training our client advisers to be able to give people comprehensive advice and support on our benefits.


Email: Alison Melville 

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