Best Start Grant: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of responses received during consultation on draft regulations for the Best Start Grant (Early Years Assistance).



2. The illustrative regulations were issued to the Social Security Committee and the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament. They were also subsequently published in the Social Security Newsletter and on the Scottish Parliament's website and shared with the BSG Reference Group, the Disability and Carers Benefit Expert Advisory Group ( DACBEAG) and its Scrutiny Sub Group, the Scottish Parliament Social Security Expert Panel members, and selected stakeholders who had engaged in detail on the Bill.

3. Baby Boxes began being delivered in August 2017. Based on the Finnish model, which has a proven record of decreasing infant mortality, the box includes essential items for a baby's first weeks and months and it will also provide a safe space for babies to sleep near their parents.


Email: Alison Melville 

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