Drafting Matters!: guidance

Guidance on the drafting of primary legislation.

References and glossary


Craies on Legislation, 11th Edition, edited by Daniel Greenberg, Sweet & Maxell Limited (2017)

Criminal Law (Volumes 1 & 2), Sir Gerald H Gordon, Third Edition edited by Michael G A Christie and published by W Green (2000)

Legislation: http://www.legislation.gov.uk

Scottish Public Finance Manual: http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Government/Finance/spfm/Intro

Standing Orders of the Scottish Parliament: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/parliamentarybusiness/17797.aspx


ASP/asp - Act of the Scottish Parliament

ILRA - Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010

PCO - Parliamentary Counsel Office

SI - Statutory Instrument

SPFM – Scottish Public Finance Manual

SSI - Scottish Statutory Instrument


Email: Jonathan Brown

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