Delivering Quality Through Leadership: NHSScotland Leadership Development Strategy

Strategy to developing NHSScotland Leadership and so deliver quality.


1 Scottish Executive (2005), Delivery through Leadership: NHSScotland Leadership Development Framework. Edinburgh, Scottish Executive
2 Scottish Government (2007), Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan. Edinburgh, Scottish Government
3 Scottish Government (2009), A Force for Improvement: The Workforce Response to Better Health, Better Care. Edinburgh, Scottish Government
4 Scottish Executive (2005), Delivery through Leadership: NHSScotland Leadership Development Framework. Edinburgh, Scottish Executive
5 Kotter, J (2000), Change and Leadership. Linkage Press.
6 Beverley Alimo-Metcalfe & John Alban-Metcalfe (September 2008), Engaging Leadership - Creating organisations that maximise the potential of their people, CIPD Research Insight, p.12.

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