Consultation on the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

This consultation seeks views on a range of actions in relation to the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy in Scotland


1. International comparisons of teenage births (2014) Office of National Statisitcs, available at

2. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is the Scottish Government's official tool for identifying those places in Scotland suffering from deprivation. In this context, deprivation is defined more widely as the range of problems that arise due to lack of resources or opportunities, covering health, safety, education, employment, housing and access to services, as well as financial aspects.

3. ISD (2015) Teenage Pregnancy - Year ending 31st December 2012 [online] (Accessed May 2015) Available from:

4. Social Exclusion Unit (1999) Teenage Pregnancy, presented to the Parliament by the Prime Minister by command of her Majesty. Available from:

5. Crawford, Cribb & Kelly (2013) Teenage Pregnancy in England. Centre for Analysis of Youth Transitions (CAYT) Impact Study: Institute of Fiscal Studies: Report No. 6

6. Institute of Health Equality (2010) The Marmot Review: strategic review of health inequalities post 2010. Fair Society Health Live. Available from:

7. NHS Health Scotland (2013) The importance of young people's health within the life course. Available from:

8. The Scottish Government (2014) Well-being: A guide to measuring meaningful outcomes. Available from:

9. NHS Information Service Division (2015) [reference to be confirmed when published]

10. Bradshaw, P; Schofield, L & Maynard, L (2014) The experiences of mothers aged under 20: Analysis of data from the Growing Up in Scotland study. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government

11. Young mums together: promoting young mothers' wellbeing (2013) Mental Health Foundation:

12. Bradshaw, P; Schofield, L & Maynard, L (2014) The experiences of mothers aged under 20: Analysis of data from the Growing Up in Scotland study. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government

13. Ross, J.N, Church, S., Hill, M., Seaman, P and Roberts, T. (2010) The fathers of children born to teenage mothers: a study of processes within changing family formation practices. CHILDREN 1st

Available from:

14. The Scottish Government (2007) Scotland Performs Available from:

15. The Scottish Government (2015) Pregnancy and Parenthood in under 20s policy mapping [tbc]

16. The Scottish Government (2010) Getting it right for every child. Available from:

17. The Scottish Government (2014) Children and Young People (Scotland) Act. Available from:

18. Reference to be confirmed: Publication of Strategy due Summer 2015

19. NHS Health Scotland (2015) Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: an evidence review [tbc when published]

20. Crawford, Cribb & Kelly (2013) Teenage Pregnancy in England. Centre for Analysis of Youth Transitions (CAYT) Impact Study: Report No. 6

21. HBSC 2015 report [tbc when published]

22. Currie C, Levin K, Kirby J, Currie D, van der Sluijs W and Inchley J (2011) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: World Health Organization Collaborative Cross-National Study ( HBSC): findings from the 2010 HBSC survey in Scotland. Child and Adolescent Health Research Unit, The University of Edinburgh. Available from:

23. Viner RM, Ozer EM, Denny S, Marmot M, Resnick M, Fatusi A, Currie C. (2012) Adolescence and the social determinants of health Lancet 2012; 379: 1641-52

24. Bonnell, C., Fletcher, A., and McCambridge, J. (2007) Improving school ethos may reduce substance misuse and teenage pregnancy. British Medical Journal 334(7594): 614-616

25. Crawford, Cribb & Kelly (2013) Teenage Pregnancy in England. Centre for Analysis of Youth Transitions (CAYT) Impact Study: Report No. 6

26. Reference to be confirmed once published:

27. Parker, I. (2014) Young people, sex and relationships. The new norms. Institute for Public Policy Research

28. Currie et al (2015) HSBC case study [tbc when published]

29. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (2010) Children and families experiencing domestic violence. Police and children's social services' responses. Available from:

30. Barter, C.,McCarry, M., Berridge, D. and Evans, K. (2009) Partner exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. NSPCC. Available from

31. Education Scotland (2014) National Youth Work Strategy: our ambitions for improving the life chances of young people in Scotland. Available from:

32. Macdowall, W et al (2015) Associations between source of information about sex and sexual health outcomes in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3), BMJ Open; 5:e007837 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007837

33. Parker, I. (2014) Young people, sex and relationships. The new norms. Institute for Public Policy Research.

34. The Scottish Government (2010) Guidance on the Conduct of Relationships,

Sexual Health and Parenthood Education in Scottish Schools. Available from:

35. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

36. Education Scotland (2013)Health and wellbeing 3-18 curriculum impact report. Available from:

37. Wight D and Fullerton D. A review of interventions with parents to promote the sexual health of their children Journal of Adolescent Health 2013: 52 4-27

38. NHS Health Scotland (2015) Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: an evidence review [tbc when published]

39. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

40. NHS Health Scotland (2015) Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: an evidence review [tbc when published]

41. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

42. Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2011) Improving Sexual Health Services in Scotland. Integration and Innovation: National Overview. Available from:,_maternal_child/sexual_health/national_overview.aspx

43. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

44. The intrauterine device (IUD) and intrauterine system (IUS) and the implant

45. Curry et al (2015) HBSC evidence briefing [to be added when published]

46. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

47. The Scottish Government (2011) The Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Framework 2011-2015. Available from:

48. Information Services Division (2014)

49. Harden, J., Purcell, C., Rowa-Dewer, N. (2015) Young People's knowledge, beliefs and attitudes to abortion: an exploratory focus group study. [tbc when published]

50. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

51. The Scottish Government (2012) National Risk Framework to Support the Assessment of Children and Young People. Available at:

52. The Scottish Government (2014) National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland. Available at:

53. Purcell, C., Cameron, S., Caird, L., Flett, G., Laird, G., Melville, C. and McDaid, M. (2014) Access to and Experience of Later Abortion: Accounts from Women in Scotland. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Vol 46, Issue 2.

54. Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2011) Improving Sexual Health Services in Scotland. Integration and Innovation: National Overview. Available from:,_maternal_child/sexual_health/national_overview.aspx

55. The Scottish Government (2011) Health Promoting Health Service: Action in Hospital Settings. Available from:

56. Data from 2012/13 show that 80.7% of all women achieved the target, whereas none of the young women in the 'teenage' age groups (<20, <18, <16) achieved the target. This was strikingly notable for the under 16 age group, of whom only 41.9% were booked for antenatal care by 12 weeks.

57. Department of Health (2008) Teenage Parents: Who Cares? A guide to commissioning and delivering maternity services for young parents - Second edition. Available from:

58. Department of Health (2008) Teenage Parents: Who Cares? A guide to commissioning and delivering maternity services for young parents - Second edition. Available from:

59. The Family Nurse Partnership programme (FNP) is available in most parts of Scotland.

60. The Scottish Government (2010) A Refreshed Framework for Maternity Care in Scotland. Available from:

61. Ross, J.N, Church, S., Hill, M., Seaman, P and Roberts, T. (2010) The fathers of children born to teenage mothers: a study of processes within changing family formation practices. CHILDREN 1st

Available from:

62. Ross, J.N, Church, S., Hill, M., Seaman, P and Roberts, T. (2010) The fathers of children born to teenage mothers: a study of processes within changing family formation practices. CHILDREN 1st

Available from:

63. Bradshaw, P; Schofield, L & Maynard, L (2014) The experiences of mothers aged under 20: Analysis of data from the Growing Up in Scotland study. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government

64. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

65. Department of Health (2009) Getting Maternity Services right for pregnant teenagers and young fathers - 2nd edition. Available from:

66. maternity services refers to the specialist care provided by midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists, neonatologists, paediatricians

67. NHS Health Scotland (2015) Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: an evidence review [tbc when published]

68. Young Scot (2015) Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parents strategy. Available from: (tbc)

69. NHS Health Scotland (2015) Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: an evidence review [tbc when published]

70. The Scottish Government (2010) A Refreshed Framework for Maternity Care in Scotland. Available from:

71. NHS Health Scotland (2015) Pregnancy and parenthood in young people: an evidence review [tbc when published]

72. The Scottish Government (2010) Family Nurse Partnership Programme. Available from:

73. The Scottish Government (2010) Family Nurse Partnership Programme. Available from:

74. Cameron ST, Lakha F, Milne D , Sim J. Pilot of enhanced contraceptive service to postpartum mothers in South East Edinburgh. Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation [tbc when published]

75. The Scottish Government (2011) Health Promoting Health Service: Action in Hospital Settings. Available from:

76. The Scottish Government (2011) Opportunities for All Supporting all young people to participate in post-16 learning, training or work. Available from:

77. The Scottish Government National Indicator: "increase the proportion of young people in learning, training or work" (previously School leavers, from Scottish publicly funded schools, in positive and sustained destinations: Further Education (FE), Higher Education (HE), employment or training).

78. The income thresholds for Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit are determined for the purposes of section 7(1)(a) of the Tax Credits Act 2002 and can vary annually.


80. Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2002) The youth divide: Diverging paths into adulthood. Available from:

81. Housing Options Protocol for Care Leavers, Guidance for Corporate Parents: Improving housing and accommodation outcomes for Scotland's care leavers (2013) The Scottish Government, available from:

82. Bradshaw, P; Schofield, L & Maynard, L (2014) The experiences of mothers aged under 20: Analysis of data from the Growing Up in Scotland study. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government

83. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2005) TPSE Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Evaluation Final Report Synthesis. Available from:

84. Source: Eurostat data, compiled by the Office for National Statistics



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