A Consultation on the future use of resources devolved following the UK Government's decision to close the Independent Living Fund

A consultation asking for people's views and opinions in respect of the announcement of the closure of the Independent Living Fund from April 2015 and the announcement that money will be distributed to the devolved institutions. The document poses questions to gauge what and how the resource devolved to the Scottish Government should be used to support disabled people


Independent Living Fund money paid to people with disabilities

The Independent Living Fund (ILF) is money paid to people with disabilities. It helps them live in their own homes and get the care and support they need.


After consultation the UK Minister for Disabled People made the decision to close the ILF on 31st March 2015. Those with an award will continue to be supported by the ILF until then.

Scotland gets share of ILF

The UK Government has said that Scotland will get a share of the money that makes up the ILF.

Consultation on how money should be spent

This consultation is asking how you think this money should be spent.

Continue form of ILF

The Scottish Government want to try and make sure the people who already get an ILF award keep getting this money.

Continuing receiving disability funding

A person would keep getting this money unless their personal circumstances change.


Email: Chris Raftery

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