Cleaner air for Scotland: annual progress report 2016

First annual report setting out progress on actions in the 'Cleaner air for Scotland' strategy.

4. Next Steps

Consultation on revised UK action plans for securing compliance with the air quality Directive commenced on 9 May 2017 under the terms of the High Court judgement, with final plans submitted to the European Commission by 31 July.

Discussions with local authorities and partners are continuing in order to identify and put in place Scotland's first LEZ by 2018, as per the commitment in Scottish Government's Plan for Scotland 2016 -17.

At the Scottish Air Quality Seminar in January 2017 a number of Scottish local authorities expressed support for participating in the first ever National Clean Air Day ( NCAD) which took place on 15 June 2017, and seeks to improve the public's understanding of air pollution, and how to contribute to improving air quality. To ensure this awareness day reaches and resonates with Scotland's public, Scottish Government is working with partners including Global Action Plan and SEPA to develop Scotland-specific materials for use by local authorities and CAFS partners.

The CAFS Governance Group remains in place to oversee the ongoing delivery of the CAFS objectives and actions.


Air quality enquiries:

Phone: 0131 244 7813

Scottish Government
Environmental Quality Division
1-D North
Victoria Quay

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