Beef 2020: review report

A report to develop recommendations that will facilitate sustainable and long-term growth in beef production levels within Scotland.

Improvement in tertiary education provision

A key element of a successful and sustainable Scottish beef supply chain is having a skilled and educated workforce. That workforce also needs to have access to short courses that allow those working in the industry to refresh their skills base and knowledge of innovative science over their career in the industry.

A report produced by LANTRA for the UK Commission on Employment Skills concluded that "There is an inherent miss-match between the skills required to perform roles in the sector and the qualification requirements for entry into the sector." [19]

The report also concluded that "Our analysis of skills needs emphasises the requirement for business and management skills such as business planning, project management and risk management.

Knowledge and appreciation of the sciences and application of Information Communications Technology ( ICT) are key future skills needed to deliver sustainable intensification and precision farming, particularly in the face of issues around food security and growing global populations."

The recent restructuring of, and continuing debate over, the provision of agricultural education within Scotland provides an opportune time to carry out a review of the structure and content of tertiary agricultural education courses, from apprenticeships to post graduate training, available within Scotland so as to be sure they are aligned with the current and future requirements of the industry.

Any review should also consider the provision of skills training in food science, food safety and meat technology as well as primary agriculture.

While it is important that provision is in place to provide effective and relevant training and education it is also important that the content of courses incorporate the latest science and research.

Recommendation 12

Review the provision of tertiary education for those entering or working in the red meat supply chain from farm to fork.


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