Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: headteacher survey report 2019

This report presents findings from a recent survey of headteachers of schools in receipt of support from the Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF). This is the fourth survey of headteachers, previous surveys having been conducted in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Tables and Figures

Attainment Scotland Fund timeline

Survey population by ASF stream

Survey response 2016 to 2019

Profile of survey respondents

Follow-up engagement selection criteria and response

Understanding of challenges/barriers faced by pupils affected by poverty in your school

Awareness of approaches that can help to close the poverty-related attainment gap

Whether feel confident selecting approaches that would be most effective in your school

Whether approach to achieving equity is embedded within the school community

To what extent approach to closing the poverty-related attainment gap has changed over the last 12 months

Focus of funded approaches: pupils and parents

Focus of funded approaches: key themes

Using data to develop approaches

Using data to measure impact

Impact of Fund on ability to use data for planning, evaluation and improvement

Perceived improvement in closing the poverty-related gap in attainment or health/wellbeing

Factors supporting progress towards closing the poverty-related gap in attainment or health/wellbeing

Factors limiting progress towards closing the poverty-related gap in attainment or health/wellbeing

Views on sustainability of progress towards closing the poverty-related gap

Views on sustainability of focus on equity and closing the poverty-related gap

Whether seen an increase in collaborative working as a result of the Fund

Whether seen an increase in collaborative working as a result of the Fund

Where seen an increase in collaborative working as a result of the Fund

Whether felt sufficient support to develop and implement school plan for PEF

Information sources used when developing plans for PEF

Views on development and implementation of PEF in school

Views on processes around Pupil Equity Funding allocation



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