Scottish Business Growth Group


The Scottish Business Growth Group met for the first time in April 2017. It was established following the vote to leave the European Union to provide a forum for the Scottish Government and the Scotland Office to engage directly with business, employer and employee representative organisations.

It provides opportunities for constructive dialogue and, where relevant and agreed, partnership working about:

  • using the UK Industrial Strategy to deliver opportunities and benefits for Scotland
  • overcoming economic, commercial and labour market challenges and seizing opportunities
  • post-Referendum business-related policy development within government
  • communications

All aspects of the group's role and activities will be reviewed and revised in April 2021. The presumption is that it will be a time-limited group which will be closed down when appropriate.

The group aims to meet twice yearly.


  • Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work (Co-chair)
  • Secretary of State for Scotland (Co-chair)
  • Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations
  • Minister from the Department for Exiting the European Union
  • Scottish Trade Union Congress
  • Chair and Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce
  • Chair and Director of the Institute of Directors Scotland
  • Chair and Chief Executive of Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI)
  • Chair and Director of Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Scotland
  • Chair and Chief Executive of Scottish Financial Enterprise
  • Policy Convenor and Head of External Affairs of Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Scotland





Phone: 0141 242 0324 


Business Engagement & Regional Economic Development Division
3rd Floor
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU


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