Seed certification, seed testing and associated functions: responses to review of fees

Summary of industry responses to a review of fees for seed certification and seed testing that took place earlier this year.

Response to the Consultation

The National Farmers Union of Scotland ( NFUS) were the only respondent to the consultation, (copy of letter from NFUS is attached) and were of the opinion that 'Compared with the overall cost of providing the services being consulted on, the proposed total charge is relatively modest', however, with the fall in cereal incomes and other pressures on arable farming, did not believe that fees should be increased.

In addition with Scottish Government's guidance on Better Regulations, and in preparation of the final Better Regulations Impact Assessment ( BRIA), policy contacted 11 individuals/companies at random and interviewed them in order to establish what these proposed changes will mean to their business. All stakeholders saw the proposed increase as a fair way of Scottish Government covering its costs and were in favour of an inflationary rise in costs.


Email: Carol Scott,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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