National Guidance for Child Protection Committees for Conducting a Significant Case Review

This guidance has been superseded by the 2021 Learning Review guidance, available at


Brandon, M; Howe, D; Black, J et al (2002) Learning how to make children safer: an analysis for the Welsh Office of Serious case reviews in Wales, Norwich: University of East Anglia/Welsh Assembly Government

Brandon, M; Belderson, P; Warren, C. et al (2008) Analysing child deaths and serious injury through abuse and neglect: what can we learn? London: DCSF

Brandon, M; Bailey, S; Belderson, P. (2010) Building on the learning from serious case reviews, London: Department for Education

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (2009) Improving practice to protect children in Wales: an examination of the role of serious case reviews, Cardiff: CSSIW

Devaney, J; Bunting, L; Hayes, D. et al (2013) Translating learning into action, Belfast: Queens university/NSPCC/DHSSPS

Scottish Executive (2002) 'It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright', Report of the Child Protection Audit and Review, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive

Scottish Executive (2007) Protecting Children and Young People: Interim Guidance for Child protection Committees for Conducting a Significant Case Review, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive

Sidebotham, P; Brandon, M; Powell, c. et al (2010) Learning from serious case reviews, London: Department for Education

Vincent, S. (2010) Learning from Child Deaths and Serious Abuse, Edinburgh: Dunedin

Vincent, S; Petch, A. (2012) Audit and Analysis of Significant Case Reviews, Edinburgh: Scottish Government

Fish, S; Munro, E; and Bairstow, S (2008) Learning together to safeguard children: developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews, London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.

MARS (2010) Significant Case Review (SCR): Developing Best Practice, Report of a Short Life Working Group, Stirling: MARS

Morris K, Brandon M, Tudor P. 2012. Family Involvement in Case Reviews: Messages for Policy and Practice. BASPCAN: York.



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