Effects of displacement from marine renewable developments on seabirds breeding at the Isle of May

The project has produced a model which estimates the consequences of displacement and barrier effects on the time/energy budget of breeding seabirds.

6. Acknowledgements

We are grateful to the many people that helped collect the empirical data that informed the models, in particular Mike Harris, Maria Bogdanova, Chris Thaxter, Silvano Benvenuti, Alberto Ribolini, Luigi Dall'Antonia, Gerrit Peters and David Gremillet. We also thank the wardens and other staff of Scottish Natural Heritage for logistical support on the Isle of May, and to Jimmy Smith and Andy Easton for providing transport to and from the island. The bathymetry data are derived from 1:250,000 BGS Digital data under Licence 2008/101 (British Geological Survey. © NERC).


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