Operation of the homeless persons legislation in Scotland: quarters ending 30 June and 30 September 2011 (including households in temporary accommodation at 31 December 2011)

Statistics relating to the operation of the homeless persons legislation in Scotland: quarters ending 30 June and 30 September 2011, also including households in temporary accommodation as at 31 December 2011.

Action taken to prevent homelessness

A question introduced from 1 April 2007 asks councils, at the time they close an application to identify action they took to prevent homelessness for households assessed as threatened with homelessness or assessed as not homeless. Councils can record more than one prevention activity for each application. Chart 13 shows prevention actions taken for the 3,574 households who were assessed as threatened with homelessness or not homeless and whose case was closed between April and September 2011 (including those where contact was eventually lost). Of these, 1,242 (35%) were provided with an assessment of their support needs, 867 (24%) were provided with assistance in finding alternative accommodation, 577 (16%) received independent financial, legal or housing advice, 496 (14%) received basic housing support, 265 (7%) received assistance in dealing with their landlord or mortgage provider, 186 (5%) had assistance in claiming benefits, 181 (5%) were assisted to use a rent deposit/ guarantee scheme, services such as counselling or mediation were provided for 158 (4%) and, for 144 (4%), a Social Work/ Health/ or Community Care service was involved.

Chart 13:

Action taken to prevent homelessness: Scotland: April to September 2011


Email: Andrew Waugh

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